About Natural Chi Activation

"Tienko flicks the switch, which plugs you into the direct experience of chi. You begin to move like a child, free at last of the restrictive intellect, and the endless control of the mind over the spirit. I cannot recommend this opportunity highly enough for anyone wishing to re-connect with the essential life force."

William Spear
Feng Shui Made Easy
London, England

“I had a wonderful activation! Thank you so much for getting me on to this practise. I will certainly make it part of my morning meditation…. The Natural Chi Movement is awesome. I feel so light afterwards. I almost bounce off the ground. Very nice feeling! Thank you very much.”

Sebastian Mierau
New Zealand

"What looks like a simple fluid dance of energy, of life force, is a profound method of meditation and self-healing. It's experiential. It lives outside of time and space. I highly recommend Natural Chi Movement to people of all ages, races, creeds, and physical abilities."

Pauline Dishler
Director of EarthWalk: A School of Advanced Energy Healing
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

"I feel more energy, I sleep less, and I deal with the difficulties in my life in a much easier way."

Carol Boss

"I feel more centered, calm and balanced with more flexibility. I also lowered my blood pressure and heart rate since beginning my practice."

Don Fries
President, Kelburn Engineering Company

"Natural Chi Movement is a valuable approach to body-mind health. It is a natural and easy way to embody one's spirit, and to feel one's energy as it moves the body and calms the mind."

Daniel Levin
Registered Movement Therapist
Founding Developer, DansKinetics
Director, In-Motion Training Program

"I recommend Natural Chi Movement to my patients for its health benefits. The patients who practice regularly all love the benefits they reap."

Andrew M. Goldman, D.O.
Osteopathic Physician
Sharon, Connecticut

"It has completely relieved my chronic back condition that nothing seemed to work for."

Martin Halsey
Milan, Italy

"I feel more calm, content and peaceful since practicing Natural Chi Movement."

Mary Myers, NCBTMB
Certified Massage Therapist

"The beauty of Tienko's teaching is his emphasis on empowering the practitioner to become their own teacher. With Natural Chi Movement the focus is on experiencing the essence of chi in the body, rather than on forms and techniques. The practice has made a profound difference in my life."

Marilyn Garner
Psychospiritual Therapist