About Tienko's Book

“I had a wonderful time and great experience reading Tienko's book, Natural Chi Movement. It is truly inspiring. Every time I picked it up to read, I felt a sense of calmness and felt like it was my meditation time. I was reading it during the summer so I would sit outside with nature and read the wonderful words of Tienko. I am really into the whole natural world and natural healing so it was truly wonderful to read this book. It really opened my mind so much more than it already was. I feel it has helped me tremendously in my life to feel more relaxed and to also know how to relax myself better overall. I have also talked to many family and friends about this book and have raved about it and recommended it to them as a must read. I feel it has helped me give my mother better advice as well to a better way to relax herself overall, which she is in need of.

“It really helped me understand my body more as well, as far as understanding how one must make sure they have a balance of spiritual and physical health/energy. It was also really exciting to learn about the different philosophies as well. I learned very much.

“I am interested in also getting activated and I would absolutely love for my mother to get activated as well.

“I want to say thank you to Tienko for writing this book and having it available to all of us. It has helped me tremendously and has taught me so much. I look forward to reading and learning more from you. I hope you have a beautiful day.”

Amanda Galster

“I have been recommending Tienko’s book to a number of friends. Two have read it and a third is just completing reading it. All have found it really rich, and two particularly love it. I don't know if any are going to get the activation or not, but they are being enriched reading the book in any case.”

Stephen J. Rogers

“After reading Tienko’s book (twice on my Kindle and now starting the third reading in paperback) I have to say that Natural Chi Movement (NCM) is the most practical book on qigong for YOU I have ever read. Why do I make this statement? Because NCM is YOU! Or should I say, chi moving and the movements that come out of YOU. You see I have practiced the arts for over thirty-five years… But with NCM, the movements and the flow of chi come from within me...
Now, what I can say is for you who have been looking for a qigong practice that you can master (because you are the master and maker of the movements you will be doing) NCM is YOU. I would recommend that you read the book at least once and get activated. Then watch, see, and feel what NCM can do for YOU. I believe it can change your life, just as it’s changing my life today.”

Jerry Outley