How Do I Practice Natural Chi Movement?

After the initial activation, a daily activation routine is essential. This is what Tienko refers to as “practice.” He suggests a minimum of thirty minutes of practice daily to maintain and keep your energy balanced. For special healing with deeper issues, an hour of daily practice is recommended.

There are three keys to practicing Natural Chi Movement: calming your mind, relaxing your body, and allowing your body to move naturally. That is all you need to do or know to be successful in the activation and in your daily practice. Calming your mind—essentially using no mind—allows you to respond to the changes in energy in your body that occur during the activation and whenever you practice Natural Chi Movement.

Chi has an intelligence of its own.  It goes where it is needed in the body to create balance and restore health.  Just as each of our conditions differs, chi moves each person in different ways.  For some, it produces graceful movements similar to tai ji or chi gong.  For others, the movements are spiral-like, similar to the movements of Sufis or dancers.  Still others may move only slightly or not at all, but may experience internal sensations.

The purpose of most practices is to become more proficient. The purpose of practicing Natural Chi Movement is to become more natural. With consistent practice, you will begin to trust the intelligence of chi and gain confidence in its ability to move and to heal. It is a relationship with yourself that is, like nature, simply profound.