Breast Clearing Program

13. Mai – 27. Mai, 2015

We are excited to offer this new breast clearing program, for which we have received many requests.The breasts are a highly concentrated traffic area for all the energy flowing through the body. From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, eleven of the twelve main meridians of the body pass through the breasts. It is critical for these meridians to stay clear.

The function of the breasts is to produce milk. Breast tissue includes a complex network of ducts (which carry milk from the lobules to the nipples during breastfeeding), arteries (which carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the chest wall and the breasts), and veins (which take de-oxygenated blood back to the heart). Also flowing through the breasts is lymph, a clear fluid that travels through the arteries, circulates through tissues to help clean them, and then drains away through nodes in the lymphatic system.

Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine consider milk production to be related to the menstrual cycle: when milk is being produced, the menses stop. It is as if blood is coming from the breasts in the form of milk. This is why practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine consider it unwise to remove the uterus even when there is a problem with it. When the uterus is removed, stagnation can be created in the breasts.

Keeping lymph, blood, and chi flowing through the breasts is essential for breast and uterine health. The blood follows the chi flow, and lymph may also follow chi. It is important to ensure that all the meridians that pass through in the breasts are smooth and unblocked. That is the focus of the Breast Clearing Program.

Would this program be useful for you? This is a preventive program. It is designed to clear energetic congestion and stagnation from the breasts so that chi, blood, and lymph can flow freely.

Below are some indicators of the early stages of congestion and stagnation that could be cleared in this program:

Below are some second-phase indicators of congestion and stagnation in the breasts.These could be an indication of physical problems in the breasts that are beyond the scope of this two-week clearing program. If you have any of these conditions, you may be in need of a longer clearing. Please check with us.

This is a profound program that will produce the following results:

Every day of the program, Tienko Ting will clear your breasts and the associated meridians and lymphatic system using chi energy. This remote program is an opportunity to achieve a regular clearing of your breast tissue and lymph nodes.

The cost of the program is $300 for a two-week clearing. If you have need of a longer clearing, the cost for four weeks of breast clearing is $500.

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